
My name is Sam Hatfield and I am a mathematician in the process of transitioning into a Data Science, Machine Learning, AI career. My family are relocating to the US in June 2021. Initially, I will be in the Seattle area but am open to opportunities nationwide. I am British but possess a legal permanant residency permit for the US.

My original academic background is mathematics and in my studies I went deep into the purest forms of mathematics such as topology, manifolds, lie algebras, continuum mechanics, group theory and more. After completing a masters in mathematics I then trained in London to be a mathematics teacher. I worked as a mathematics teacher in two International Schools.

Currently, I am taking a break from work to study full-time. Most of my time has been spent completing a Masters of Science in Analytics with Georgia Tech, details of the degree can be read here. I have completed ten courses so far (out of eleven), taking classes from the Institute of Systems Engineering, the School of Computation Science and Engineering, the Scheller College of Business and the School of Computer Science.

Now that I am getting to the end of my masters, I am transitioning my focus to building applications using the plethora of machine learning, AI, statistial and mathematical concepts I have learnt. You can read about them on this site.

Here is a link to my Resume (Dec 2020)

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